
How to manage General Section in Kundoo

1.Hide/Show Breadcrumb Section

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Breadcrumb Section

Now Click on check box for Hide/Show Breadcrumb Section.

Click on Publish.

2.How to Remove & Change Image in Breadcrumb Section

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Breadcrumb Section

Here you can Remove & Change image in Breadcrumb Section.

Click on Publish.

3.How to Manage Min Height

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Breadcrumb Section

Here you can manage min height in Breadcrumb Section.

Click on Publish.

4.How to manage Background Attachment image

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Breadcrumb Section

Here you can set breadcrumb image according to you.

Click on Publish.

5.How to manage opacity of Breadcrumb

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Breadcrumb Section

Here you can manage opacity

Click on Publish.

6.Hide/Show Preloader

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Preloader Section

Here you can Hide/Show Preloader in Kundoo Pro

Click on Publish.

7.Hide/Show Top Scroller Pro Features

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Top Scroller Section

Here you can Hide/Show Top Scroller in Kundoo Pro

Click on Publish.

8.How to change Scroller Icon Pro Features

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > General > Top Scroller Section

Here you can change Scroller icon in library

Click on Publish.