
How to manage footer section in Spintech

1.Hide/Show social footer above Section in footer

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Above

Now click on check box for hide/show social icon.

Click on Publish.

2.How to manage social icon in footer above section.

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Above

Here you can manage Social icon in footer above section.

Click on Publish.

3.Hide/Show contact info footer above Section in footer

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Above

Now click on check box for hide/show contact info.

Click on Publish.

4.How to manage content in contact info section.

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Above

Here you can manage content in context info section.

Click on Publish.

5.How to manage footer widget layout in footer widget area .

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Widget Area

Here you can manage footer widget layout .

Click on Publish.

6.How to manage footer bottom logo .

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Bottom

Here you can manage footer bottom logo.

Click on Publish.

7.How to manage copyright content in the footer bottom .

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Bottom

Here you can manage copyright content in the footer bottom.

Click on Publish.

8.Hide/Show menu in footer bottom

From your dashboard, go to the Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Above

Now click on the check box for the hide/show menu.

Click on Publish.